
Marco Guerra is a leading designer for absorption refrigeration cycles and heat pump systems development.
As highlight examples of his activity, he has supervised the Robur Corp. engineering group for the testing of the US Dept.Of Energy/Phillips residential heat pump program; designed and managed the Robur engineering group for the development and manufacturing of the entire light commercial Gas Absorption Heat Pump product line; fully numerically simulated, designed and developed the residential GAHP module of the heat4U European project.


Marco Guerra has filed 12 patents, published 10 papers; he is a member of the ISHPC science and technology council and an ASHRAE Member.


Besides his own engineering activity, from 2012 to 2016 he has also been a research fellow in the ReLab group at the Department of Energy of Politecnico of Milan, tutoring postdoc engineers involved with heat and mass transfer design for low temperature driven sorption cycles, heat conversion systems software simulation and prototypes development and testing.



Master Degree in Theoretical Physics, 1989, Milan University, Italy


Fields of Interest

Absorption Heat Pumps Cycle Design

Heat and Mass Exchanger Development

Prototypes Set UP and Testing

Water Ammonia Systems